
July 2013 Sprout News

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JULY 2013


For the past several years, I have often lived in that delicious creative timeless mode where music and stories seem to magically happen when I confine myself to creating them. Meanwhile, the real world has become fuzzy and distant to me. Three years since we began writing the songs, we have nearly completed the recording of American Heroes #4. We anticipate the release of the CD and the debut of the corresponding new American Heroes 5 Concert in January 2014.

My friends tell me, "Get the word out! Share what you're learning with others."

Okay, already. I'll try my best to keep you in the loop, to look up from the research and the writing and recording once in a while and check in with you.

Last month, I attended two conferences all about the world of children's literature. One was devoted exclusively to nonfiction children's writing.

I'm honing my craft as a nonfiction children's author, courting agents, editors and publishers and networking with fellow writers. I hope to have the book about the same heroes on the new CD written by the end of summer.

We recently made history at

How, you might ask?

Well...ahem... we were visited by two of the grandest heroes in American history. Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin dropped on over recently to say a few words about my concerts and CDs. If you think there may be an uncanny resemblance to yours truly in their testimonials, think no further. The mind can play funny tricks on us when we are in the company of great heroes.

More to come.


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