To purchase Jonathan’s music online, click Songs for Teaching, or click Kidzmusic.com |
Dr. Dennis Denenberg, Author of two great books about heroes and former Professor at Millersville University. |
Learn about Dave Kinnoin, co-writer of many songs with Jonathan. |
Learn about Peter Bliss, co-producer with Jonathan of American Heroes and electric guitarist on American Heroes & More American Heroes. |
The Children’s Music Network is a leading national organization with members and chapters in the United States and Canada, and connections with people throughout the world who care about music and children. |
For links related to the heroes on my two American Heroes CD's, please click the MY HEROES star, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on a specific hero and scroll to the bottom of that page. |
Joe Mennonna helped produce, engineer and arrange as well as play many of the instruments on American Heroes #3 and on More American Heroes. |
Regina Kelland of Kelland Consulting helps to market Jonathan's CDs. She is former head of A&M Records Children's Division. |
Leslie Chew helped engineer and play guitar on American Heroes and American Heroes #3. Leslie is an expert sound technician consultant. |
A great kids radio show in Philadelphia, Kids Corner, WXPN Radio, where you can request Jonathan's music |
The Sierra Club, co-founded by John Muir, has dedicated a page to the story behind Dave Kinnoin's and my song "Come Back Home" about John Muir (on my American Heroes #3 CD) |