Jonathan Sprout

Jonathan Sprout

It happened one Sunday in February, 1994.  Jonathan Sprout was reading a feature highlighting his career as a children’s singer-songwriter-recording artist in the Philadelphia Inquirer for which he had recently been interviewed, when he noticed an article about heroes in an adjacent column.

A nation-wide poll among the youth of America had asked, “Who is your hero?”  The results of the poll startled Sprout.  Among America’s top-10 kids’ heroes were Bart Simpson, Beavis & Butthead and several celebrity athletes whose off the field antics were anything but heroic.

“Who are our real heroes?” Sprout remembers thinking, “Why aren’t they on this list and how can we get them on this list?” That’s when his idea of writing and recording songs about real heroes was born.

As a budding author who has great respect for all literary heroes, I can report to you with pride (and a little prejudice) that Britain's Jane Austen will appear on the 10 pound note (worth about $15.00) beginning in 2017. She'll be replacing Charles Darwin. Her natural selection evolved out of protests that, come 2016, there will be no women whatsoever on British money, save the Queen.

Whether or not you have a love and friendship relationship with Ms. Austen, I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say, it's about time the good people of Britain cashed in on one of their finest heroes.

It makes a lot of sense and sensibility to me.

~Jonathan Sprout

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JULY 2013


For the past several years, I have often lived in that delicious creative timeless mode where music and stories seem to magically happen when I confine myself to creating them. Meanwhile, the real world has become fuzzy and distant to me. Three years since we began writing the songs, we have nearly completed the recording of American Heroes #4. We anticipate the release of the CD and the debut of the corresponding new American Heroes 5 Concert in January 2014.

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Welcome to Our New Sproutsite!

Welcome to the new, or, Sproutsite, as we like to call it! You’ll notice new photos and videos. We now have testimonials from Abraham Lincoln and a Revolutionary War character! I have connections, yes?
You’ll soon be able to listen to and download digital Sprout Music right here. There’s lots more to follow. Stay tuned!
Talk with you soon,

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